Top 3 Hated NFL Teams:
1. Giants
2. Cowboys
3. Chargers
Anyways... as I have mentioned earlier my IM football season is over. We ended with a record of 3-1. Last week we beat the other team 24-6! First play of the game touchdown pass by me :) yay! However I thought that our season was over because I was looking at the playoff brackets and the top 16 teams were qualified for the playoffs and my team is ranked 21. I was surprised because a 3-1 record is pretty good but then I found out about a new updated bracket on Saturday morning at 4 am that top 21 teams make it! The first round is the play in so we have to beat seed 12 to move on. I am not 100% sure that we made playoffs though because there are still some leftover games going on today so lets see how that affects the ranking later.
Pho is one of the most amazing foods ever. The first bite is the best. Beef and Sriracha sauce. Oh baby. I went again yesterday to Pho Saigon in Sacremento. I totally recommend it. MV kids who want to come up to Davis and visit and love Pho? I'll take you there. Hehe. Me and the team captain of the other team that we beat last week made a little small bet that if he won then I would treat him to our DC and if I won then he would take me to eat whatever I wanted. I chose to go to Pho so I am going again this Wednesday. Woot woot!
This Week:
Second Chem Midterm this Friday...
Start writing my The Crying of Lot 49 Paper which is due next Wednesday
Dang my reading for that book is going ever so slowly. It is amazingly boring so I've fell asleep many times while I was reading it. Maybe there is too much deep meaning and what not that I don't have enough intellectual power to compute with it.
So last Thursday my roommate informed me that he would have one friend coming over from back home and that he would sleep on the floor. I said "Ok" as long as it wont bother me. Later that night he told me that it was actually three people and I was like uhhh alright are they all gonna fit? He took Friday afternoon cleaning up his side of the room and that just meant stuffing all the stuff that was all over his desk and floor into the trash can or his drawers. Very very efficient. Turns out that it was actually 4 people to sleep in our room but at 4 am as I was finding out about the IM football bracket his friends all come in and then they grab their stuff and they go somewhere else. *Phew* I gave out a huge sigh of relief.
Jon Ng has come up from Riverside to visit ME! Isn't that just nice of him? It is very cool to see Monta Vista people up here in Davis! It is truly exciting. I would also like to take some opportunities to visit other UC's and find out how they are like. Yes I will indeed soon.
I believe Sunday will be the day that I will blog. :)
The Mummy 3 - The Tomb of the Dragon Emperor is probably the worst movie I have seen in college so far. Bad acting and predictable plot. Wasted 1 hour and 45 minutes of my life :( DON'T WATCH IT!!!
coldpockets has indeed made the playoffs! rank 20 baby! i circled my team in the red

yay football! and i miss pho like crazy, i haven't had any!!! let's go over thanksgiving break yeah? and let's get spicy chicken!!! AAAH REAL ASIAN FOOD FINALLY<3333
good luck with everything this week, i know you'll do great! (:
and are you davis people gonna make a roadtrip down to irvine anytime soon? PLEASE do! i miss you crazies way too much.
thanks for coming to hang out with us. NOT.
true that homie. screw the giants.
westbrook had a terrible game...
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